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National #SaveMedicaid Virtual Rally

by Lucia Byttebier

June 6, 2017

Today is national #SaveMedicaid Day! The Women’s Recovery Center is asking that you stand with us and the 23 million Americans that are in danger of losing access to medical care. We are asking you to make your voice heard by calling, tweeting and posting your concerns to your families and communities that will be impacted by the loss of access to health care to let our U.S. Senators know how important Medicaid is to individuals and families that are facing addiction and behavioral crises. It takes 5 minutes, but could save a person, family and community from one more fatal overdose.

Ohio’s U.S. Senators are:

Sen. Sherrod Brown, Democrat @ (202) 224-2315 or EMAIL HERE Sen. Rob Portman, Republican @ (202) 224-3353 or EMAIL HERE

Here’s what you can say:

Caps and Cuts are Devastating

  1. Cutting and capping Medicaid is dangerous for those marginalized with addiction #SaveMedicaid

  2. Medicaid helps addicts to access vital treatment services for long term recovery and live lives like everyone else #SaveMedicaid

  3. Less money means LESS flexibility for states #SaveMedicaid #NoCutsNoCaps

  4. Medicaid helps addicts recover and to seek employment to be taxpaying citizens & full members of our communities #SaveMedicaid

  5. Medicaid cuts & caps would make the Women’s Recovery Center’s four week waiting list even longer. #SaveMedicaid #NoCutsNoCaps

  6. Don’t be fooled: Caps ARE cuts. #SaveMedicaid #NoCutsNoCaps

  7. In 2017, Cuyahoga County anticipates 775 fatal overdoses a 30% increase from 2016 #SaveMedicaid.

  8. Each day, eleven Ohioans suffer fatal overdose #SaveMedicaid

Your voice matters! Make your voice heard! Thank you!

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