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April is Alcohol Awareness Month!

April 27, 2021

This April, Women’s Recovery Center celebrates over 80 years of growth for Alcohol Awareness!

Did you know that the first all-women’s Alcoholics Anonymous or A.A. group was founded right here in Cleveland, OH? (Read the full Timeline )

“Women’s groups light the way for other specialized groups… including those for young people, the elderly, gays and lesbians, and doctors, lawyers, and other professionals”

While the exact creator of the women’s A.A. chapter in Cleveland is unclear, we celebrate Marty Mann as a pioneer for Alcohol Awareness, especially for women. During her lifetime, she lost her father to alcoholism, almost fell to her death while intoxicated, attempted suicide twice, and most notably, organized what is known today as the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD).

Here are Mrs. Marty Mann’s three main viewpoints on Alcoholism:

  • Alcoholism is a disease and the alcoholic a sick person.

  • The alcoholic can be helped and is worth helping.

  • Alcoholism is a public health problem and therefore a public responsibility

What Causes Alcoholism?

Below are common accredited causes of alcoholism… but we must remember that everyone is unique. The time, frequency, and amount of each of the factors listed below affect every individual differently. Each person’s circumstance should be considered with compassion. Here is a summary of what the experts attribute to Alcoholism:

(Full article here)

  • Biological Factors – Family History and Genetics. “While some individuals can limit the amount of alcohol they consume, others feel a strong impulse to keep going”. There are certain chemical and genetic make-ups that can be passed down through generations. If you come from a family with alcohol dependency, it does not mean that you are destined to be an alcoholic, but it does mean the risk is greater and the urges are real.

  • Environmental and Social Factors – A person’s proximity to an alcohol establishment (like bars, restaurants, liquor stores) can encourage more frequent consumption. A simple Google search will find you many options within a matter of seconds. And social factors such as one’s culture, religion, family, and work can also greatly influence alcohol habits. Peer pressure for youth and the amount of parental interception influences the age at which a person begins their relationship with alcohol.

  • Psychological Factors – Mental Health unbalance, including high amounts of stress can increase alcohol consumption. Going through a tough time at work or just lost a family member? How about a Global Pandemic? We know it can seem more appealing to drink alcohol to cope.

So why celebrate Alcohol Awareness? The goal is to increase awareness and understanding of alcohol addiction and make treatment resources known and encouraged. Many people may not fully appreciate or recognize the dangers for themselves or their loved ones. Are you looking for more information on resources or for some advice on how to start the conversation? Contact us today at 216-651-1450!

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