by Womens Recovery Center
November 27, 2018
The lack of safe and affordable access to childcare remains the number one barrier for women seeking addiction treatment. After the reconfiguration of the Women’s Recovery Center’s, we now offer on-site childcare so that women can bring their children with them to the WRC.
While the Mother is engaged in treatment, children from the ages of two weeks to twelve years are cared for in the facility by childcare providers that are certified in adult and infant and toddler CPR and first aid, curriculum planning and are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of child abuse. The clinical staff and childcare providers can assist the Mother to ensure that developmental milestones are being reached and can provide support to address well-child visits and required vaccinations.
The on-site childcare is one more tool that addresses addiction in working with the family to heal. To make our childcare facility more comfortable for mothers and their children, we are asking for donations.